BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT is active at national level with Maintenance “Turnkey” Services, aimed at managing on behalf of the customer the ongoing performance monitoring; by remote monitoring we can ensure to all our Customer the proper functioning of the plant (also a slight decline may preclude a failure) and a prompt intervention often even before you know it.
BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT, infact, has always been sensitive to the need to accompany their Clients well beyond the construction. So we decided to create, through alliances with organizations working at national level, an operational Maintenance team that takes charge of your system in order to:
- preserve its useful life
- monitor the performance offered even by remote
- take action to ensure the management of preventive maintenance required
- intervene where a malfunction or a potential failure may compromise the functionality and / or performance of your systems .
Our contracts provide particularly advantageous formulas as far as economic and finance are concerned: please call us for a quotation!