For home users making more efficient their facilities and creating new ones (renewable based if possible) is the best way to save on utility bills with no compromise in home comfort in summer and winter. We assist our Private Customers studying the best solutions from all points of view , first of all the economic […]
High efficiency and lower resource consumption could immediately improve your product, making it more convenient in terms of costs and therefore more competitive. We are at your side to improve your business at 360 °: we make your product cheaper, competitive and eco- compatible with our offering in terms of energy efficiency and related logistics. […]
BI is active at national level with Maintenance “Turnkey” Services, aimed at managing on behalf of the customer the ongoing performance monitoring; by remote monitoring we can ensure to all our Customer the proper functioning of the plant (also a slight decline may preclude a failure) and a prompt intervention often even before you know […]
Health Care
The public and private Healthcare sector is now an elective and challenger field for the detection of high levels of effectiveness and efficiency, and BI is present by ever in this context, thanks to our strong vocation to Service and Social field. BI can support Healthcare Organizations in many different fields, included introdution to Organization Model; […]